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Playable - if that's real enough :-)
Come on, really? Why do people think it's not real? We gahered a team of enthusiastic pros for a project we thought was difficult but super-cool, spent crazy amount of time and effort to make it real - not perfectly optimised, but playable - and all we get is "fake"? We connected all the systems into one compact project, implemented game mechanisms, designed a sci-fi world. Our plans develop through time as we encouner difficulities, but the main one was that 1 in 1000 downloads sent us a coin or an opinion. Sorry, but server alone costs any times more. We are about to change something, but so far it's hard to say what :)


you dont seem to know that gaming comunity is really suspiscous since the "the day before" incident. ... The People are tired of Devs that Promise so much but not meeting the promised features. i dont think its a Personal take from @sillyanongames.