"Pay the Witch" quest gives a javascript error about a null function when i click 'do quest'
game is interesting so far.
i like the little minigames for the quests, but i think they'd be better if they were a little more in depth or at least lasted for more than just a few seconds.
there are way too many quest popups, and if you're trying to click something rapidly then any popup is going to be instantly closed.
i think instead of having a full screen pop up for every completed quest, a little toast popup in a corner would be way less intrusive. this toast should be clickable to open the full screen quest if the player wants to, instead of forcing it right away.
and maybe add a 'completed' section to the quest log where the player could go back and read what they missed.
Thanks for these great suggestions. I did actually update the game to remove the quest pop ups and a small notification is shown instead, is this not showing for you? The quest complete popups are still there however, maybe I can apply the same kind of system but with a small text summary showing what the rewards are. A list of recently completed quests would also be a good addition. I have added these to the top of my to do list.
The mini games will become harder and take longer as the player progresses, at the moment they are not balanced. The idea is that you need to keep upgrading levels and various features and research to progress so there will be blockers at some point. More mini games will also be added with more interesting and more complicated mechanics.