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(1 edit)

Oh the opening map was gorgeous and this game started out so strong, and then kind of just went in the wrong direction. The font looked awful on my computer, and made it hard to read, which is a pity because it discouraged me from reading some of the dialogue. I would highly suggest changing it.

The puzzles were very well thought out... however game-play wise they caused a lot of grrrr and frustration, especially the teleporting one.

I powered through the puzzles, finishing the game. The game left me wanting more out of it because there was a good deal of potential with this one, which sadly went the wrong way.

Thanks for your comments, windryder! I'm very sorry if the font caused you any difficulty in reading, I'll take it into account, thank you very much for letting me know. You may find the last puzzle a bit frustrating, so well, I'm sorry you couldn't finish the game, you came very close to beating it. I really appreciate your comment, I know I still have to learn a lot, it's the first time I make a game, so  thanks to your feedback I'll be able to improve for future projects! Thanks a lot! :)