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I appreciate the criticism! But while yes there is a lot wrong with my game, it can be encouraging to add in some positives in a review. Knowing what I did right can be just as helpful as knowing what I did wrong. 

Also, saying to come back and "try again", kinda tells me that I 'failed' and need to 'retry', especially after only saying negatives about the game.

Nonetheless thank you for taking your time to play my game and provide some issues you found, its a valuable thing in game dev and I do appreciate it.


I have been hearing about that, I'll need to alter that ending phrase for the future.

I do agree about trying to look for more positives. From the perspective of a learning experience, these would come from the Godot mechanics you would attempt to apply, such as staying true to collision boxes instead of saying "If this projectile flies for an amount of time, then the player was damaged."

Take it in stride. You'll get there if you keep going, even if I didn't happen to be nice on this go around.