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Jung V guvax lbh'er zvffvat sebz zl nethzrag vf gung fvapr uvag 5 vf gur bayl cvrpr bs vasbezngvba jr unir nobhg gur sbhegu qvtvg, jr pna xabj, jvgubhg pbafvqrevat gur bgure dhrfgvbaf ng nyy, gung gur sbhegu qvtvg zhfg or 9 naq gur fhz bs gur bgure guerr zhfg or 8. Bgurejvfr gur chmmyr vf hafbyirnoyr. Fvapr jr ner cebzvfrq gung gur chmmyr vf fbyirnoyr, jr pna znxr guvf qrqhpgvba, naq nafjrevat "ab" gb uvag 2 be "ab" gb uvag 3 rnpu tvir hf rknpgyl bar fbyhgvba (naq nafjrevat "lrf" gb obgu znxrf dhrfgvbaf 1 naq 4 erqhaqnag).

Lbhe Nyvpr naq Obo fvghngvba qbrfa'g zveebe bhef rknpgyl: Nyvpr qbrfa'g xabj gur ceboyrz vf fbyirnoyr! Naq Obo xabjf fur qbrfa'g xabj guvf, naq gung gurersber fur fbyirq vg jvgubhg gur qrqhpgvba nobir. Va gung pnfr, gurer vf vaqrrq bayl bar fbyhgvba, gur rkcrpgrq bar. Ohg jr qb xabj gur chmmyr vf fbyirnoyr, naq gung punatrf gur vasbezngvba ninvynoyr gb hf naq gur cbffvoyr fbyhgvbaf. Hasbeghangryl, fvapr gjb fbyhgvbaf erznva, gur chmmyr raqf hc frys-pbagenqvpgbel.

"V erzrzore gung vs lbh xabj nyy gur nafjref gura lbh pna qrgrezvar gur cnffpbqr" vf jung znxrf gur nyvpr/obo fvghngvba zveebe guvf chmmyr rknpgyl
Nyvpr qbrfa'g xabj nalguvat nobhg gur chmmyr jr'er gelvat gb fbyir, ohg jr'er gbyq gung fur pna svther bhg gur cnffpbqr ol bayl hfvat gur 5 uvagf naq nafjref, juvpu jbhyqa'g jbex jvgu uvagf 2 be 3 orvat nafjrerq ol n ab


njvrzm, I've been enjoying the discussion here, and I've just written a little solver for this puzzle. Now I'm curious if you consider this updated puzzle broken as well:

I've forgotten my 4 digit passcode!

Fortunately, I saved some hints on my phone. All the hints have a yes/no answer. I remember that if you know all the answers then you can determine the passcode.

The hints are:

  • Is the first digit smaller than the second digit? 
  • Is the second digit smaller than the third digit?
  • Is the third digit smaller than 4?
  • Is the first digit even? 
  • Is the fourth digit smaller than the sum of the first two digits?

Unfortunately, to access the answers to the hints, I need to log in to my phone with my passcode :(

(Notes: There's no information about redundancy of the hints. Also, this puzzle has a unique solution)


V'ir Orra Gevpxrq, V'ir Orra Onpxfgnoorq naq V'ir Orra, Dhvgr Cbffvoyl, Onzobbmyrq.

Terng bar! V jnf fb fher gung lbh zrffrq vg hc naq Nyvpr jbhyq fgvyy unir 2 cbffvoyr pbqrf va gur orfg pnfr fpranevb, gura v pbqrq n fbyire gb purpx v jnf evtug naq abcr.