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If I buy this, I have to pay for each next release as well? (That seems to be your pattern here...)


You don't need to buy anything. You can wait until the game is finished or download old updates that is available for free. 

Either way, you should probably stop taking payments for the old versions when you release the new ones, or at least change the description to say "This is NOT the latest version.   Go __here__ to get the latest version" at the top.

After all, anybody who buys this version today for ten cents more than v0.18 is probably going to feel cheated.  :-)


Thanks for the heads up. I didn't realize that the 0.16 version was more expensive than the 0.18 version that's on sale. I'll fix it.

0.16 is still the same price as 0.17, which is... weird.  :-)

Fixed. :)

Hey Erik, Alex here, by any chance do you need a writer? I love your game and would love to help for free. ;)

Thanks for the offer. I enjoy creating my own stories and have a proofwriter. Glad to hear that you like the game.

Thanks for your reply, keep making great contents!