Can't believe how late I just got into this, but it's pretty much what I want from a tf game.
Unfortunately, it falls short in its current state, but I'll be following this closely because it shows a LOT of promise.Ran into a few bugs I'll list for note.
*Turning the volume down doesn't disable the music entirely.
*Serum didn't record a stop leading to debt, might just be a kink in the between genders setting (instance with female horse high, anthro, masculine).
*Pause button stuck preventing resuming.
Best fixes right now for playability though is a save system and a .txt insturction/guide in the file. Theres a bit of QOL that can be done, but this will allow players to work around most minor bugs. A .txt will allow the player to review things from outside the game for one who's dedicated. An in-game .txt is usually skipped, especially when there's time involved.
In the future, rebalancing the start may be good. Not necessary, but there's a lot thrown at the player very quickly, and not much room for mistakes before going under. A guided tutorial option could help, but that's not super important.
Otherwise very solid, I hope there's size stuff in the future as well, but idk where this is going to draw the line with it, it's pretty ambitious as is. Great work!