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Fun game, I enjoyed the deductions, but I ended up having to guess the employment status of Darren Harvey. What was the intended path there?

Thanks Shmael! I'm glad you enjoyed it.  Spoiler in rot13:

Jura lbh pung gb qvabqnm, gur zrffntr fnlf "Abg qryvirerq" juvpu zrnaf gung gur hfre qbrfa'g rkvfg nalzber be qbrfa'g unir na nppbhag, fcrpvsvpnyyl orpnhfr ur ab ybatre jbexf gurer. Creuncf gung vf abg jryy xabja be znlor abg pyrne. V'z bcra gb fhttrfgvbaf gubhtu.

Gung znxrf frafr. Znlor fbzrguvat yvxr "Ner lbh fher lbh unir gur evtug hfreanzr?" uvagvat gung gur nppbhag qbrfa'g rkvfg nalzber