Thank you for your kind words regarding my review. Because I am very fond of this project, I try to make my feedback as detailed as possible (although I admit my comments can get rather long). I'm glad to hear that some of the things I suggested are already being worked on and I appreciate that you took the time to read through my post and answer my questions.
A few follow-up points:
Regarding some dialogue fights becoming real fights (especially the sniper one), that is wonderful news! I wasn't really expecting the wolves to become an actual fight but the thought entered my mind so I figured I'd ask.
I agree with your current position of having AP ammo being available regardless of class. Kind of like a fallback that any soldier can use in case more effective methods are unavailable or already expended.
A back-up form of combat seems like a whole lot of trouble for not a lot of benefit. Like the wolves, I wasn't really expecting it but was wondering so I asked. One possible way to help lessen the chance of players running out of ammo might be to guarantee a certain amount of ammunition at all traders, which would make sense seeing as how food/ammo almost act as currency anyway.
I sincerely appreciate your team, your willingness to interact with fans, and your game. Keep up the excellent work!