So, seriously, what is the deal with Rivals? Is it just once they reach a certain level of Dislike? I mean, I get that your Roommate hates you because you are a reminder that their SO is trash & the rich kid hates you because you are a potential risk to his incredibly stupid 'operation', but everyone else? Am I unintentionally cockblocking them or something? A simple 'Yo dude/babe, you're blockin' my play with [X] here. Help a brother/sister out' would suffice. I mean, I get that the game treats actual communication with other characters as a sign of weakness, but seriously...
Also, how dare you flip one of my character's best friends like that? In every other playthrough of this game Virginia Swanson has almost always been one of my character's besties, almost before we even knew each others names! Now she can't stand them & I don't even know why? She still wants to fuck my character though, which is confusing as hell.
All that said, still giving this game WAY too much of my free time & thank you for implementing one of my ideas.