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(1 edit)


added Dangerous Teleporter

Improved the event UI

Joystick and Item button done for android

Added a new Mechanic to Stanly

Added Item Randomization 

Made concept of the secret ending

Added The Test, Chalkles, and Cloudy Copter

Added Button for Conveyer Belt

Added Whirlpools to Flood Event(Takes your Item)

Added Lockdown Event

Added Points

Added New Characters(Don’t read if you don’t want to spoil the character)This Character is Joshua, He runs up to you(like Mrs. Pomp) He ask Do you want to answer a math problem(including times and division) There’s two options Yes or No, if you choose no Nothing Happens and continue the game like normal. If you choose Yes he will ask the math problem, If you get it right, You get 30 Points + A Random Item. But if you get it wrong He will tell Baldi which makes Baldi mad so he goes faster

That’s it so far

(2 edits)

Welp,thats a lot of stuff...

Im sure looking forward into a test build soon

is beta testers allowed for any bugs or no