I had seen your game floating around and was excited to finally get around to playing it. Very cool concept. Plays like Into the Breach combined with tower defense. I find this game really interesting and I hope you don’t mind me spilling my thoughts (feel free to ignore, honestly!). I’ll try to avoid any comments that have been made already.
I discovered the KING glitch on accident, then started fresh and beat the game using only SHOTs, then played and beat again without using any SHOTs.
The whole idea of modes for metals is interesting, but I found myself almost never switching modes. I’d say a big reason is the 3-turn lock; imo staying in one mode and focusing on its playstyle is simply easier than the hassle of switching modes only to regret it a turn or two later.
Being able to explore/uncover the map was really neat. From a visual standpoint, I think there should be a clearer change in what a tile looks like before and after it’s been “uncovered.” Also, once you’ve sent a metal into the depths of one maze-like branch and defeated the hives there, it feels useless and just sits there (unless you feel like wasting a bunch of movement grit). I really liked that units like the ROOK can only push one unit into the darkness but can move back into known territory two spaces. Helps combat that issue a bit. Otherwise maybe being able to scrap a metal for resources could be useful?
Healing seems to have very little use since enemies don’t attack metals off the track (except for the flying guys). It makes me wonder why the ROOK is the only metal with self-healing, yet it comes with the most HP—I cannot imagine a scenario in which I’d need to use it.
I found the flying enemies to be very overpowered, at least compared to the metals’ abilities. Travels over barriers and heads straight for the base, moves multiple spaces, and damages metals in its path.
There’s some info that’s always shown that could probably be hidden. In my experience a small amount of the game is spent launching metals, so I don’t know if the UI for launching them needs to be on-screen for the entire game. I’m not sure why the launch cost for metals is shown on the upgrade page, considering it’s already been launched. On the topic of upgrades, I only found myself needing to upgrade damage. Any other metal upgrades (especially upgrades to special abilities) seemed expensive for little reward. Dice upgrades also seemed too expensive for the return on investment.
Again, I love the game mechanics and concept. The entire aesthetic is excellent. I am super envious of your choices for SFX and music (thank you for introducing me to Ruskerdax!). I bet you have a lot of interesting ideas up your sleeve and look forward to seeing your game develop.