I agree about picture in the mirror, no, more accurately, I AGREE
it's amazing and I look at it for a minute straight every time playing (if you are rooting for Bjorn it becomes funny, though, because of the text 'anime, huh?')
i personally don't think Klaus drugged him. 1) it was Dan who said the phrase about tomatoes (if i remember it correctly) 2) there was a pov of Klaus and no sign of it there 3) then why did Klaus drug only him and how
and it's not like Arvo experienced what Klaus expected from this ritual. Arvo was reliving his regretful behavior back in the middle school being in a trance state. Well, maybe we can interpret this as him seeing a ghost of his past. So i don't think there is any hottake about magic itself
also we do not know how close to the true story this vision was. in his dream about the big floof an image of Mikko saying "you don't need to pretend like you care about me" basically haunted him
I think that Klaus' route may be a lot about Arvo recollecting his story with mikko, which has traumatized them both, not only Mikko. i didn't take a route for Mikko yet, but it seemed to me like Arvo still hasn't processed their past, so Klaus' route may be a great opportunity to do it on his own
Like i said earlier,i don't think Arvo was drugged and it was more of his own thing. Rather, i contemplate even more now about Arvo as the mc, his dreams and other visions. the more i play dawn chorus the more i cannot draw a line between author's ways to immerse us into character and uniqueness of Arvo. over time i lean towards the second more and more, maybe Arvo has some type of hypersensitivity, coming derealizations or even psychological condition. because that's some abnormal process of cognition from the start
the fact that all the other characters leave a huge impact on his subconscious is certain, even though we are the only ones who remember all of his dreams possible
but it's most likely my own fantasy. with all due respect to the author there are always gaps in narrative which we can fill with our own ideas and connections