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Is there a new version coming out yet?

(1 edit)

Next month it will be a year since absolutely nothing of the game has been uploaded.  Honestly, I have no hope left in the game... I guess it was good while it lasted.

Yeah, animation has been taking a lot longer then expected, partially because quality and my standards have gotten higher. I really should have gone for smaller more frequent updates instead of bigger ones to be honest. Most of the animations are done, but there's still a few more to go. I posted a few previews of them over on twitter I won't promise any dates until I have em all done and it's just gameplay/implementation left though.

okay, that's all very well, I can even come to understand it... but he asked me if after a whole year without content in the game, the new version if it ever comes how much content it can offer to replace everything this year of waiting. The normal thing would be that at least the game had about 5 or 8 hours of playable content at least, but good... I don't want to get my hopes up in vain. Anyway man I hope one day you can finish it and a lot of success.

might i refer you to secrets of grindea on steam? that too took forever to finish and folks were expecting it to never finish, but it did. though admittedly it did take years


i took a look at the game and it doesn't look bad at all, the truth is, now I'll have to try it to see how it is. Thanks for your recommendation man.

no worries