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I tried the WIP and it was very fun! Thank you for making it; I'm excited to see where it goes.

One question: Is there intended to be any 'failable' parts in the full game? In the demo there was nothing that would make you have to retry if failed; I think it could be fun if there was something like that—maybe the DDoS only brings the firewall down for a short time and you have to do what you can in that time before trying again when it comes up? I don't know; whatever fits your vision the best ^-^

Always love to see more Hifuu content out in the wild, so I wish you the best on continuing your work here!


Hi, thank you very much for playing and for your kind words! Your truly makes us feel even more passionate about the project. 

Failable parts can definitely bring more challenge and excitement into the hacking action, especially with time-limited trails. We are indeed working on incorporating some of these elements and are thrilled to hear you mention them.

Once again, I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts and ideas with us!