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(2 edits) (+2)(-3)

Hrmm... I see a lot of posts about liking the way the gay content is presented, so I guess I'm going to be one of the few complainers.  It isn't that the gay content is bad or anything like that, it's that the straight content is utterly unskippable.  I don't want to stare directly at some chick's vag or boobas, thank you very much.  I don't care how much gay content there is if I have to cross that particular wall in order to get to it, and those walls are constantly cropping up.

I often see those warnings about a game 'containing skippable gay content' and I think that's part of the issue; they take str8 as the given, and so unskippable str8 content is the solution, not the problem.  Well, its a problem for me, and the solution is to delete the game.


Hey! Thanks for your feedback. I get your concerns about female nudity feeling "forced" on players, and I've begun addressing this. In the latest game update (V.0.3), I've introduced a censor option for Sally’s sprite, allowing you to conceal her nudity if you choose. Also, in the night alley scene, you now have the option to hide either the male or female character to fit your route. I'm aware that more scenes need similar censoring options, and I'm working on adding them gradually. 😊