Opinions at odds with reality?
You have fundamental misconceptions. What you talk about is not reality. It is not physics. Not even mathematics. It is language. It is usage of words. If you are of the opinion, that the earth is flat, then your opinion is at odds with reality. If you are of the opinion that "Xmas" is appropriate to use as a label for the winter solstice, then so be it. Others might complain, and have different opinions. But in the end, it is opinion.
You refuse to accept "3d" as a label for three dimensionally rendered pictures not because the term means different, but because you are of the opinion that it only applies for a game world rendered in real time with three dimensional graphics. The term itself does not give this meaning. It is your preconception, your opinion, that does so. The term does not even say anything about time or perspective. Or if it is describing the game-world, the graphics or other aspects.
So tell me, where does it say, that 3d is only for games that have real time graphics that is rendered in 3d? If you want to exclude 3d rendered pictures, you cannot do this by the term alone. And this is true, even if you rename the term to "3d game".
The key named "Пробел" has the name "space bar" in English. A direct translation of "Пробел" would be gap. Just an illustration why arguing about the meaning of a word, by looking at the meaning in another language does not work.
"космическое пространство". How does it translate into English? "Space space"?
Depends on your translator. It means "outer space". Just click the russian wiki for that term and there click on other language. But because English are lazy, they will call the gap key "space", the will call the universe "space" and they even give "space" to each other when keeping a distance.
Oh, and the 2.5D tag was mentioned by you. https://store.steampowered.com/search/?tags=4975 This is 2.5D in English Steam. Pseudo-3d would be a good description for it, but it is just not a popular term.