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The graphics are nice, but i didn't understand the gameplay. I think they should have made a tutorial level instead of a big tutorial text. And, instead of levels, the concept of Jem is more suited to the arcade mode. It would have saved you time.

I get the idea, it's cool. But the implementation didn't let me enjoy it.

From what I feel you are just at the beginning of your journey and I believe you will do well! If you want, you can watch our game.


yeah i mean, it''s not the first jam the team and i have been in, but time was scarce and we weren't really aiming for the update later kind of thing everyone's going for, so yeah, that's that, but thanks, the concept of levels was more of a thing to show the concept of santa going to a lot of places in a short amount of time in christmas night(and making a reference to the team being each one of us from a different country)  and the gameplay part, the loop is practically the same as the tutorial(which was interactive but never put anything to stop the player from going past it without playing lol) so yeah lot to learn but then again when time comes short corners are cut sadly.