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When you see how large the PROLOGUE is the part before your actually even playing the game what makes you think the time there taking is just to get more money and not to make something even bigger then the part that's comes before the actual game


The prologue has been done for years now. Ch1 has supposedly been in the works ever since, but what we see is mostly patches, overhauls, and specials. What makes you so sure it really is going to come?

Even if it is legitimate, the timeframe is ludicrous. How long will the game take until completion if just ch1 is already taking several years? 

If we're in for a decade of production time at best and a letdown at worst, is he really wrong to lose faith?


You seriously don't know what goes into gamedev at all. Coding stuff is hell and takes a really long time if you want a good game. And that's not even half the work. You also need to work on music and other sound design so the game actually sounds good(which is super easy for most other video novels which just use royalty free music also I don't remember correctly if this has its own unique music)which takes a long time but less time then coding most of the time you also need to think of fun gameplay mechanics you also need to write a script another really hard part is the animation you need to draw up a design then rig it and then make it look good then move it for each image and animate it for each animated scene (I couldn't find a good way to explain it) there are many more things that go into the development of the game beyond that and then you also have to test every feature and scene to make sure it's working properly fix any bugs you find test again and fix any more bugs and repeat until youre satisfied and this isn't even the full process just what I could think of off the top of my head 

(2 edits)

And it's only been 3 years since 1.0 came out and withing that time they've also had to overhaul, patch and add events to the prologue to make sure people don't get tired and there game is fun and with each overhaul alot of stuff in chapter one would have to change too 


Do you realize that you're overcompensating right now? Are you trying to convince me, or yourself? And at what point have you actually countered anything I said? In fact, you're just confirming my points one by one.

Besides, never assume how much someone knows. I am no stranger to coding and game design, I know how much work it is, and that's part of the problem, because it's too much for one person to get done in the time most people are willing to stay alert for. So, you will inevitably have people lose faith or interest. That's nobody's fault, except maybe the guy who tries to make an entire game all by himself and ends up taking a decade doing so.

I countered  "what makes you sure it's even coming" with the daily develops and the Patreon And I countered the "ludicrous timeframe" point by pointing out how the timeframe really isn't that ludicrous with all the work that needs to be done I used more information then I needed too for the second part because I'm an idiot and spend way too much time on arguments on the Internet much like you (and don't try to deny it I looked through your past comments on itch)

Ah, yes, expecting people to stick around for a decade is totally not ludicrous, good job countering nothing. And why do you think daily dev notes are real when a dev can sell just the notes for as much as an entire game? The more you try to argue the doubts away, the more doubts you create. The more you try to contradict, the more you confirm.

If anyone is overly invested in internet arguments, it is probably the guy who spammed three half-baked posts in a row and then goes stalking someone's profile before posting another failed reply rather than cut his losses - you.

when did I say wait for ten years I said the current time it's taken is reasonable and pointed you to Patreon where you can get a development update for free (the three year anniversary post) that also said that chapter 1 should be out soon and also pointed out another alternative to that which cost money I also called myself an idiot who gets overly invested in internet arguments and you posting this is just reinforcing my statement that you also get overly invested in internet arguments. I'm not going to respond to anything else you say in response to this because Ive already made my point clear and now your just looking for any reason to complain.

Now you're losing it. I just need to look at how far the game is, how long it took, and then do the simple math to know that this is going to be a decade-long wait. No idea why you're confusing what I said and what you said. 

Well, maybe it has to do with your need to project your faults on me. You flying into a rage and abandoning logic isn't the same as me calmly rebutting your comments.

Either way, the fact remains that after so many years of waiting, with years to come, you can't fault anyone for losing interest, faith or patience. The size of the promised update changes nothing about that. Missing the point won't make it go away.

dude has literally been saying "sorry something came up I cant work on the game" every week for nearly a year now. hes lazy and doesnt want to work. last may we were told the first half of chapter 1 would be out soon. well looks like that didnt happen. Also youre confusing making a game from scratch with what this game is. every character model, building, and general asset is premade not by the dev, but by someone else. the dev only puts his creative twist on things but 90% of the "coding" is legit just writing dialogue for this game.

alot of the models are made by someone else but the characters a designed by the creator of the game and then the creator either makes the character model themself or commissions someone else to make it 


And if you want to see development progress just pledge 20 dollars on Patreon for daily development notes or if you want to see progress for free look at the newest Patreon post