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Very neat little game! Kinda reminiscent of DSiWare games, I really enjoyed it for what it is, and I think it could be really be good as a short 1-2 hours game with new mechanics, maybe different types of projectiles, etc..

Also, I think the game's physics are dependent on framerate? Maybe I was just imagining things, but the distance between the projectiles seemed to change randomly, so that's probably it. 

Great work, hope you keep exploring this concept!

Thank you! Yeah I honestly had a lot more ideas for the game, gravity wells, fans that push you and also a bossfight but those were all optional and I stuck to my initial scope and will move on to new projects :) Oh, uhmm I'd have to look into the projectile randomness. The firerate is supposed to be constant but my guess is it's not taking deltatime into the calculation.