Can someone please give me an in depth explanation of how the console works? Every time I try to use it to do anything other than to change the amount of a certain value it crashes the game! I'm on android BTW.
Idk if it's any different in android, but the suggestions are sometimes booleans (need a 1 or 0 answer for true/false) so like uh random example, [set Bobbie plugged] (remove [] cuz im indicating commands), gives her a butt plug; most are string variables so another example where you insta fill her belly,
[set Bobbie stomach_capacity 10000] so she doesn't vomit everything
[set Bobbie stomach_food 10000] so you instantly max out her capacity, you can exceed the capacity a lot but she might vomit unless you set her stomach pressure to like negative so she doesn't
best to play around a load with the commands, idk how most work. Hope this helps