Fantastic game! Super unique!
However, I did run into some illogical decisions made by the Dealer.
You can either watch how it played out in the video below between the times of 3:23:13 - 3:26:29 (sorry for the excessive talking lol), or you can read the description below:
So in one of the earlier rounds (no items involved yet), we're shown there are 3 LIVE and 2 BLANK.
I go first by pulling the trigger on the Dealer. It comes up BLANK.
It's now 3 LIVE and 1 BLANK.
The Dealer takes a hold of the shotgun, points it at himself, and pulls the trigger. This is already an odd decision because his chance of survival was 25% at this point, but let's just assume the Dealer has an ego problem, and wanted to show off how lucky he can be. His decision ended up working in his favor. It came up BLANK, he survived, and he got another turn.
It's now 3 LIVE and 0 Blank.
At this point, I'm certain I'm dead. I just know he's going to point the shotgun at me, and shoot. Surprisingly, the Dealer turns the shotgun on himself, and pulls the trigger.
He had a 100% chance of dying if he pulled the trigger on himself.
I don't know if we, the players, are supposed to assume that the Dealer is never made aware of the starting LIVE vs BLANK ratio, but his decision made no sense if he did know.