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Honestly, was not that scary, ending was alright, needs a pause menu, and the text in the ending & credits go a little offscreen, the map near the end is honestly a little confusing, but other than that it's decent.




It's intetionally confusing tho

Also Are You becoming Immune to Horror? but also the game was not meant to be scary rather than creepy

Pause menu isn't needed from the gameplay you say but I can add that

I don't know what you on about when you talk about when you mention that aren't centered because maybe that's just of your monitor as it looks fine on me

(1 edit) (+2)

1) Oh alright then

2) Yeah I understand that it's not needed, I mostly suggested it so you can edit keybinds on the go

3) Yeah I was already starting to suspect that it might have been my monitor's fault