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Your game is wonderful, I played and finished the beta so far, I played it on Android and I just found two bugs, the first one is that if you are in a lewd scene with a monster and you go to title and try to load a save the game will charge the save but you will nowhere to be seen, also you won't be able to do anything.

The second thing is with the last monster so far **SPOILER** So they are pretty tough and resist seven hits with the stick, and they only need to touch you to start a lewd scene, also after hit them they have a tiny moment where they can't receive damage, so you can kill them but have to have a good timing, now, thanks to this little time where they can't be hit if they touch you they will start the lewd scene, but then they will receive the hit with your stick weapon and the game will stop the lewd scene, the character disappears and everything freezes, so you will have to close the app completely and reload it, this was really annoying since it happened to me like 7 times and had to redone the whole level since the beginning 


So thank you so much for this game so far, it's incredible and I really appreciate the compatibility with android devices, please continue your amazing work and happy new year!

Those enemies are pretty tough tbh... I just shoot them with the rifle

That's a really good option tbh, just that I wanted to save as much ammo as possible because I didn't knew if there was going to be a boss fight later

Thanks for the report o( ̄▽ ̄)d


You are welcome! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

there's another report, can you please get that cleared?

This is a false positive. I am not an engineer of bkav pro and cannot solve this problem.

If you have any concerns, you can contact bkav pro for clarification. ~(=^‥^)ノ

I understand it's not your fault and you didn't have anything to do with it, I'm just asking for that to be cleared, it's annoying, you should check and make sure the device you create your game on isn't infected, and make sure you don't download anything from emails you don't recognize.

I consider the likelihood of my device being infected to be very low.

I am using the latest version of Windows with the latest definitions of protection and have done a thorough troubleshooting and have not found any problems.   ~(=^‥^)ノ


but not everything is detectable, you should be thorough and scan every exe you installed to be sure your system is clean at if you play older first person shooter games that preinstall punkbuster, punkbuster itself is a malicious infected file