An interesting little game - good idea, I think it needs a little bit of juice. The level up system works well, it's nice to have a goal to work towards!
I can think of a few things you might want to improve:
- player speed wants to start 4x or 5x what the starting value is, and I'd reduce the amount of inertia when you move!
- I could stand still and the game would basically play itself. One fix for this would be making it so the player has a very small amount of health - 3 hits and you're dead, that sort of thing.
- I think the visual style could use some love. Giving the player character a face, for example, goes against the spirit of the jam in my opinion! You can also use existing colour palettes from somewhere like to make it look really nice with very little effort :)
- I got hit by what I assume was a very very transparent shape, and that felt a little bit unfair - I couldn't see it. Maybe make it fade to ~50% transparency over time, then quickly fade to 0 once the time is up?
I liked the patterns and the way the shapes bounce around, though :)