Starting this by saying, I appreciate you reaching out and responding. That is a very good sign from you and I'm glad to hear you are making improvements!
To give some more specific feedback than before, I think you need to focus on a good tutorial at the start to help explain things to new players. Maybe offer a way to skip it as well for those familiar. Perhaps a much more condensed version of the first level? Say a total of 3-5 encounters with a pair of branching paths so people get the idea of what is to take place. You can explain the stats here and give out enough materials for a player to increase a couple of stats before they really begin the game in earnest. If they skip maybe just give them the materials for the stats for free rather than through the tutorial gameplay so they don't feel cheated.
As I said the concept is interesting, but if you want real time elements then you need to make the visual ques clear and mechanics precise. Think Dark Souls in how enemies telegraph attacks or actions for you so you know when to make certain actions even if they don't give you a lot of time to do it. You are combining 3 different mechanical systems here being turn based, real time action, and rogue like progression. They don't exactly mesh well together naturally so I'm aware it will be challenging to pull off. I do think you are on the right path but definitely needs more fine tuning.
Anyways all I really have to offer opinion wise. Hope it helps and hopefully the improvements you already have done really work in your game's favor!