Fly blind,* shut down,* fly through the protoplanetary disc, eject the malfunctioning probe, send an interspecies message, eject people to escape the black hole, don't change course for the sensor malfunction. I'll also always move on if any planet condition is red unless there's sentient aliens (then it's kind of a toss-up, biasing towards finding new endings).
After that, anything that threatens the crew is dealt with in the least-lethal way possible (shut down the rogue program, kill the dictator, make a hab for the premature awakenings, etc).
I will also always avoid damage to the landing gear over anything else, followed by database (science higher priority than culture, unless the difference is greater than 20), then construction equipment. Non-perfect landing gear means you take damage to everything else upon landing. Non-perfect construction equipment results in post-landing fatalities for each non-ideal condition. Yes, I prioritize the landing gear and construction equipment over the colonists due to the fact that it's a net-gain in post-landing population (hell yes I'll let 120 colonists die to the micrometeorite, 20% damage to the landing gear is easily 200 dead on/after landing).
*Unless the guaranteed damage is on a sensor and that sensor is healthier than average and I've already taken damage (that is, I'll always fly blind if its the first time I've seen the event).