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I respect this may be your opinion, but only about a chapter and a half have been released so far, so maybe refrain from comments on the plot.


This story will probably have a mediocre plot, it will just be romance. Typical shoujo genre stuff. If King Arthur behaves like a sassy woman then it's definitely not going to be a story with action, drama or thrill


You only read the dialogue and the choices, didn't you? 

You know, when you comment you should do it only if you read the whole text (I'm assuming that's the case, otherwise it's some severe reading comprehension problems). Otherwise you come out like a flamer who makes false statements ("everyone likes you"? "no drama"?) and has nothing better to do than keep coming around even after 6 months.

I'd tell you to move on, but I bet you'll be coming around over and over because you need to be heard :) The Internet needs to know you decided not to like something!