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"Ok guys, I have a huge announcement for you. After many thoughts, I've decided to stop EFW, at least the way it is now."

"Raising money for a new vn!"

No offense meant, but if your unable to complete a project your already working on, why should we offer money for a new project that might get the same treatment? I don't mean this in a rude way, but from an investing standpoint you would be a high risk investment.

Im not saying your content isn't good, nor am I saying I wouldn't fund it. However I am wary of funding even someone's whose work I enjoyed in the past, when they show a history of abandoning projects. 


i understand your point of view. In the first project, I was new and alone, then I've made bad choices. I tryed restarting it and things went better, but being abandonned over and over got my mood down. 

I also got the feeling that my project wasn't worth my fans' patience, thats why I decided to restart from 0. This time I have a strong team with me, and I won't post until I'm satisfyed!