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(1 edit) (+3)

EDIT: The "Repair" button, R, fixes a broken camera screen. It's a lengthy process, but it works. This comment has been altered to indicate that.

After spending the afternoon fooling around with the new build, filling the gallery, and making it to night 12 (which I haven't beaten yet, unfortunately), here's my thoughts and hopes for future builds. 

I still think Nile's mechanic could use a bit of tweaking, but now that I (a big dummy) know how to deal with her, it's a lot more manageable. Maybe reducing the time it takes to repair a camera or fill Nile's heart (specifically on later nights, where there's a lot to manage) would make her feel a bit better. Of course, later nights (especially 12) are super chaotic, and there's basically always something going on. Maybe it's just bad RNG (and maybe I'm just bad at the game) but there are a lot of times where the girls will just continuously overlap, more or less making it impossible to do anything.

All that being said, I still really like the new version. The game looks pretty good, and plays great to boot. The lewd game-overs are great. I hope somewhere down the line all the girls will get some more game-over screens.

Leading into things I'd love to see in the near or distant future: 

The nightclub map! Or at least a similar map. Personally, I found the mixed-up gameplay of the nightclub very fun and I'd really like to get more of that.

Obviously, more lewd stuff. I'd really like to see the girls have some kind of interactions during the nights, whether it be some kind of catfight or joining forces to tease us. I don't know how feasible that is for the gameplay, but I think it would be neat. Interactable sex scenes would be great too. And finally, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more futa-on-girl scenes. The ones in the game are all really nice, and I can't wait to see the girls going at each other. 

All in all, this has been a really good update in general, and I'm super hyped for more. Thanks for all the hard work!


Honestly, this. I thought I was just bad at that game for constantly screwing up Nile's mechanic, but it's good to know that it's more game balance then me. And I think the game doesn't do a very good job at explaining how some characters work. The only two we got an explanation for are arguably the two least confusing characters. The game doesn't explain how Ari works, or how to combat the girl that appears in the cameras and just kinda stares at you, (Idk her name). The game is great but it can be frustrating with the lack of explanation for more technical characters.

Holding the repair button"R" on a broken screen does in fact fix it.