Mikko endings:
The Bad One, aka Knocking On The Door
The Worse One, aka Happy Fun Time With Kinky Accessories <== You are here
THE WORST ONE, aka Flower Field
But hey, at least you saw it after it got changed a little. Initially, it was very ambiguous whether Arvo even survives it. I personally think Keo shouldn't have changed that and should have leaned heavily into the unintended but entertaining maniacal Mikko Route - would have made for a fun Halloween update.
To get a slightly less horrible ending, make sure to always pick Mikko events(Only some events are important, but it's easier to play all of them). It's the canon one and the one that's going to have a continuation in further updates, unlike the other two.
To get a much more horrible ending, follow Mikko's route, but go back to your room after you find the key. I warned you though, it's THE WORST ONE.