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Hello i hope your day has been great developer/ developers 

i absolutely love ETERNUM, and thats from the heart. because its different from other games ive played

Also great feature to be able to see the other scenes the player has seen before . It has a  great storyline that i LOOOOOVE so much. If you want MY personal opinion (you dont need to listen its just my opinion), you dont NEED to improve the game (you can if you feel like it and want to) because the textures are already fabulous from the games i played, and let me tell you, i have played a FEW games . just to maybe extend the story (haven't played the whole game YET). 

I just wanted to say thank you sooo much for making this game . I would support you but im in no position to do so right now . Just wanted to say thanks and complement your GREAT and AMAZING work . Keep up the good work and please make more games like this . (The storyline is just soooooo 😍😍 i love it)

Have a good time developer or developers 

Bye byeee

Thank you so much Scorpion!

no thank YOU for creating this masterpeice of a game