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(2 edits) (+1)

played the first game to prepare. like that one, this is pretty good!

the visuals were my favorite part of arachne's stone, and it's no different here. trading the dark and richly detailed look of the original for a simpler retro rpg was a great choice, and it gives this game such a great identity! the style was so good it even made me feel at times like i was playing earthbound. coupled that with a retro vhs filter, really polished character sprites and the inevitable but greatly executed point where the cheeriness turns to horror, this is some top notch visual presentation.

the level design was also excellent! the snowy woods and the houses feel so immaculately put together, and the "dungeon" (sorry i'm not sure if it's actually a dungeon-) feels like a classic rpg dungeon, with puzzle rooms and dark hallways that have a great contrast with the outside world. speaking of puzzle rooms, i kinda wish the game had more puzzles like the one with the statues (which i have no idea how it was made, absolute kudos to the coding) since that one was pretty cool, but it's not a huge deal since the focus of the game is more on exploration and story.

if criticism is welcome, i'd like to say that the storytelling was the weakest part of the game for me. the wording on a lot of dialogue and text is a bit off, and it makes it hard to keep track of the lore and each character's motivation. it's like there's a whole world of information that's really interesting, but the game can't express it properly and it made me kind of confused (like in the first game tho i don't mean this with ill intent, and i know things like wording can be subjective). (SPOILERS) with all that being said... the ending did make me sad, man he didn't deserve that :(

since this is going to be a trilogy, if the third game manages to improve the writing and keep the visual style up, it could genuinely be a masterpiece!! but the two games that are out are already pretty neat :D

tldr: i like the giant big booby woman


Thank you so much for checking out both games! So yeah we're always welcome for criticisms to improve our game like we try to make chase scene in this game less annoying and more fun than Arachne's Stone

So for 3rd title, We going to improve and try to find the way to storytelling while keeping the good things from previous titles (Not just these two but also other previous games) too!

oh yeah, the chase here was a lot more fair than in the first game (it's not like that one was super annoying or anything but it definitely feels like you guys understood the flaws it had, so congrats on that!)

happy to hear you'll try to improve the storytelling! like i said if you iron out that aspect, the third game could genuinely be amazing :D