Hi, i have a problem with the apple dealer. When i do him the feet favor, the message appears saying i got 12 apples, but when i check my inventory there are none. This started happening after i interacted with the vendor, and sold him one apple for 25 gold. I did it the first time i spoke with him, while he was showing me the potions prices. I tried restarting the game from the beginning, but it seems the problem is still there: in the new save i can only get one apple. The build is the most recent, 0.3.3
Thank you for reporting the issue.
You only receive the item apples once, and then we check for this item when buying/earning more apples or when offering them. That is how it works.
The problem is that you shouldn't see the apples or any other items besides potions when selling to the potion vendor. I'll check the code to fix this issue in the sell window.