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hey!! thank you so much for checking out and playing both collections, that's really a lot of dedication! i'm sorry to hear you were dissapointed with the ending games in the extra branch. I can clarify the intention there a bit if that helps: I don't think the intention was that the endings on the extra branch were supposed to be the "true endings", it's more of an extra timeline as a reward for playing the other games. also, these games were the only ones made with full context of all the other games, so hence they're all a bit more meta. any ending in any branch could be considered the "true" ending if you think about it. I'm sorry if you feel like everything was building up to those last games and it didn't deliver! Thanks for playing :)


I should say that I'm sorry for getting so emotional, cuz… I did love almost every other game this much and the entire narrative, I got invested, hard, especially since it spoke to me on a personal level, the whole thing being about a mother trying to save her child, and as a mother figure myself it always hits very close whenever I experience such a story.

It's all on me in the end and I should've seen the extra endings beings mostly meta, but again, got too invested. And this means that the project worked, and worked far too well, and I don't see this being repeated ever again in the future just for how... working it is, but hey, I really want to find myself mistaken in some future.

I do wonder still what the Sin(e)s game was about in the end cuz it's really cool but so confusing, man.