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(1 edit)

a decently scary romp through a nightmarish hospital!

the atmosphere is pretty strong here. the dark hallways and doors that lead to random, disturbing places work well to make the game feel disorienting, and the mysterious patients that wander in and out of the scene are pretty unnerving. my favorite part was undoubtedly the hidden notes; they're really depressing to read and give the entire game a sense of melancholy that can't always be found in horror games.

in terms of things that could be improved, the grammar is a bit wonky and makes it hard to take some scenes seriously (aside from the notes, which are pretty well written. and for the record, i don't really mind grammar mistakes that much in indie games, just thought i'd point it out), and the length of the game is really small for a concept that has a ton of potential. also this is pretty much a nitpick, but when you teleport through a door it would've been better to take the player somewhere where they're facing the same direction and the door is still behind them. like i said though, that's a nitpick. this is overall a scary and fun game! (and hey for all my complaints, i can't say that everyday i find a game with a development aided by a 72 year old man)


Thank you for playing our game. We put a lot of effort into the notes to make it more sad rather than scary.

yeah, the sadness of the story was really well done!