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Hi! Thanks for the compliment, I really appreciate that and I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Unfortunately many assets, music included, are "ripped" from other games (sadly, it was a common thing back in the day ^^"). You can find all the credits at the end of the game. If you want to know some specific tracks feel free to ask, and I'll answer you.


I wouldn't have guessed that they were ripped, every track i came across is well placed and didn't seem out of place. you sir have a great taste, this has brought me beck to the early 2000s. I'm just sad that I didn't come across this sooner. also i don't know what's the big deal with ripped assets it's not like you're selling the game or the assets. you just made a free game for people to enjoy. its weird how the rules have changed over the years. again thank you for this awesome game.