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(4 edits) (+1)

Hey there! I really liked this game, and here is an idea of mine to maybe implement a second boss.

This second one is a pirate-ish looking mask, and with him three new chest items are available:

- Hook: "Steal one of the Dealer's items."

* You have plenty of time to choose an item, but you can't use it immediately.

- Coin: "Flip the coin, and decide your bullet's fate."

* If it lands on Heads, your next shot deals one extra damage (could possibly be combined with Hand Saw for a 3 damage shot), if it's Tails, your next shot deals no damage (but this effect doesn't make you play one extra turn).

- Bottle of Booze: "Successfully shooting at the Dealer gives you an extra turn."

* It has to be a live round for the effect to trigger.

By the way, in his boss battle when he reaches two health:

A spinning wheel rises up, lifting the shotgun. He spins the shotgun, and this happens:

* If the tip of the shotgun aims at you, a wave appears from the left/right, cleaning all your items.

And the wave clears his items if it aims at him.

Coin has no advantage for the user, could remove bottle of booze and give the double or nothing damage to the coin

Fair enough. I thought of Bottle of Booze being a straight reference to Pirates Outlaws for it's effect and such. And yes, I might think of something better for the Coin.

Done, changed the effects, so what about now?

Pretty good, but to reword Bottle of Booze: "Shooting the dealer with a live round gives you an extra turn"