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To this day, I've yet to see a UE4 game that I could run without lag.

Judging from your documents, it would appear that you managed the main things you set out to do. However, I noticed your design plans seemed to be just how the game should look and the broadest progression. Is that normal for formal planning? I would've expected more details along the lines of how high the pixel could jump as a multiple of their own size or at least what sort of control scheme to use.

Regarding the game itself, I noticed a couple pixels that needed to be 3d to get but that I couldn't reach due to being still 2d. It made sense after the switch, but in the moment it seemed like a bug, especially since there was no indication of how to progress.

Thanks for you input. I appreciate you taking the time to try our game. It is true that the game was not optimized in anyway, so some lag may occur from whatever it may be. There is jittering when playing because the camera isn't set up the best way. It fulfills the very basic needs of it running. I haven't been working with UE4 long enough to really profile what's going on. 

As for the gameplay, we didn't really plan much of anything. We did try to make a game design doc, but there's really not much in there. We just wanted to make one for fun. We just had the idea of a pixel going from 2D to 3D and went with it. The collision of the player is not the same size as the mesh. I wasn't able to figure out this problem I had with compounding colliders, so I just ditched it. It is what it is.

Thanks for trying it out and every constructive feedback is helpful!