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Hello there, thanks a lot for the very detailed opinions and suggestions!
I have read through all of them and get quite many ideas from it or issues in the current game.
Here are some of my thinking or method that may used to enhance the gaming experience in the later version.

Some of the setting would definitely make game more convenience, like a randomize button for quick assigning the world properties and player properties.
Would implement these kind of function at later version.

Game over state is also a thing that lacking in the game, wake up around the house  with item loss is a good idea. Other than that, maybe there are also probability that wake up at some sort of nest in other case and player have to find a way out.

For the combat part in game, enemy only switch between walking toward player and single attack action.
It keep repeating and lack of variation so i guess it's one of the point that making combat boring. I am working on the AI for next version and hope it can bring more joy in the combat.

The current damage calculation method is using player's damage value to minus the target defense value, so some weapon become very inefficient against high-defense enemy. Perhaps i can change it to percentage related method to solve this problem.

There also other people reflect to me about the stamina consumption. To enhance the current stamina system, i will probably add some stamina refill items and allowing the player to recover stamina faster when they are idle (Either standing or crouching). In addition, i may reduce the current running stamina cost, but increase the cost when player carrying too much weight.

The stealth mechanism sounds interesting, would add the stealth-attack bonus to the game.  I also like the alarm traps idea as it give the player more tension feelings. It may take some time to make the audio tracking though.

Giving the player some intermediate goal would be good, i still thinking what kind of reward can be given to player.

Other suggestions are good either and i need more time to think about them.
I will also check some mentioned bugs, and hope to fixed them as soon as possible.

Thanks again for playing the game and putting the time to make those suggestions!

Just tried 0.0.8, it’s super cool! :D Fixes a huge lot of issues I’ve had with 0.0.7.

(Don’t forget the announcement post ;)


Thank you! I am sure to make an announcement post very soon :)

Oh, and below I’ve posted playtest result of 0.0.8 I did on weekends, but now I’m almost sure you don’t get notifications for posts that aren’t a reply to your messages :) but I didn’t want to spawn a new topic either.


Yeah i only get notification from new topic or reply so, some time i might miss some posts.

Will sure to spend some time read through them!