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Driving in horror games is always something I have a love for, don't know why!

And here is a horror game all about driving! It was a trip!

The beginning was eerie, creepy as it appeared to be a normal drive

Then things start to ramp up to a abandoned Silent Hill look until sudden you have visitors... IN YOUR CAR and things crawling on it and then fire and darkness!

I enjoyed this one, hit me with some scares, driving was pretty smooth, had a horn, turbo mode? (just the ambience but like to pretend it did)

You can get lost sometimes, did in a few spots, but its not too hard to find your path again

Checkpoints are placed very well, no restarting 666 miles back

And the ending was pretty good, wrapping up what happened and what was going on

Great Job Max Rohrberg!

PS: Don't drink and drive, don't read papers and drive, don't sit on green toast while your friend Frank vomits all over your back... and drive...