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This game was great! The controls of the garbage truck were fine, the controls of the character, and handling the garbage was done very well. I like how the garbage had weight to it, felt more immersive. The design and sound design of the game are very impressive. The ending was very unexpected, that you were picking up and compressing dead bodies for the town's crematorium. I played the game twice since I missed some of the notes, but even after playing it multiple times, I'm still not sure exactly what the notes meant. There was also this black figure by a light-post that I walked up too but never got close enough because I wasn't sure if it would kill me or not. Not sure 'lore-wise' what this being is, or if maybe it's a figment of the characters imagination. Overall, a pretty neat game. I am surprised this game was made in less than a week. Well done! 


that "figure" was a parking meter lol

Really? When I started walking over to it, it made a vibrating sound like I might have died if I walked to close to it. It was a black figure with 2 white eyes. Weird.