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We've just released an announcement to clarify everything. No, we won't have any NTR. And no, we don't like NTR either. We apologize for the misunderstanding...


I do want to apologize for the ending of my initial comment where I insinuate that you like NTR but refuse to admit it, that was out of line.

Now I have read your announcement, and the fact that you are being up front with all this and actually addressing it, is very good and shows that you truly care about this game and that you care how others view this game, and I respect that. And because of the announcement where you double down that there will be no NTR, I for one will be waiting for episode 5 and will check it out and that will likely decide if I continue to follow this game or not.

I will say that many people who dislike NTR don't even like the thought of other men seeing their girl (or girls in this games case) naked or even about to have sex with them. They often view it as the same thing, except of course like accidental nudity or situations where it is unavoidable, but becoming a stripper is certainly avoidable. How the MC reacts to Jen becoming a stripper will be a big deciding factor in whether I (and I assume others like me who have decided to stick with it despite what happened in chapter 4) will continue to follow this game.

With all that being said I wish you the best and, albeit reluctantly, will look forward to chapter 5.


U were WAY too harsh, bruh. I'm a patreon, and they're super transparent and open. Hell, they're just a team of 2. And I honestly think one of the two devs, if not both, is a woman lol. 

Beth is trying to meet someone and like any sane godmother, she'd not try her damn godson before trying other men. So we're seeing her try others, only to get stood up/run into scum before beginning to see MC in that way. And...she's only human. Like guys, women got needs. Her wishing it was another guy (they cut that out in the patch btw) is pretty realistic cuz that's her godson. She's trying to resist. 

I think the reason the MC wasn't angry at Mouse as cuz he got a blowjob from it AND found out Melanie has feelings for him. 

Strippers are not hookers btw. They show...but no touch. Amy being there was coincidental as she ended up skipping classes (And I suspect Mouse made sure of that as her character is all about doing whatever she wants now that MC is fully aware of the simulation). Amy still feels like a brat more than evil to me. Plus I do notice her shit leads to consequences that bite her in the ass. 

Jen became a stripper to make $ out of guilt. Beth works hard, Jen has student loans, and Jen is still not getting job offers. She wants to contribute and hates how Beth is the only provider. She's 25, and expects more from herself. So some easy $ feels like the right thing to do, plus she gets to wear a mask. She's doing something she hates for the sake of others. 

as for MC, I his situation I don't see myself getting as mad cuz I'm told I get to bang chicks and they'll make it easier. Mouse would annoy me...but wtf can I even do? I'm a dead guy with his soul in a simulation. No escape. Like the pep talk Melanie gave MC...this is the reality ya got in the end. 


You do bring up a lot of good points that I honestly didn't consider, I still disagree with you on Amy, I have yet to see her show regard for anyone but herself and one time with Melanie that came off as fake to me, but that's the way I saw it.

I also still disagree with on the MC not getting mad, the MC does still have power in this situation, as at this point Mouse and Angel depend on his cooperation for their own wellbeing, but Mouse is just doing whatever the hell she wants.

Also at no point did I say that strippers were hookers, I'm well aware of the separation between the two. I'm more implying that if the MC is okay with random men looking at her nude body, then this game isn't for me, which is why I said that the MC's reaction in chapter 5 is a big deciding factor in whether I continue to follow this game or not.

I do also agree that I was pretty harsh and apologize for that but I do stand by some of the points I made, such as the MC not having much backbone, if you want to just be a pushover because you get to have sex with hot girls, then that's your decision, but it ain't for me, so if that's how the whole game is going to be I would like to know so I don't continue to follow it while expecting something else.

I'm not saying the game is bad, I did not mean for it to come off that way and I'm sorry if it did. Also while you may be a patron, I am not, so you have to understand that you have seen much more of that transparency and openness than I have, I am only speaking about what I have seen and my take on it.

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm a Patreon and apparently...they announced they plan to retcon the entire opening scene of Episode 4. The scene will be the same renders and such, but context and everything will change.
Bet they plan to announce it here soon too