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Hey Angel!

Glad you sorted everything out and sorry I wasn't around to help you directly.

We use the RPA and Launcher method since AHITR (and many AVNs like it) have got too big for the .APK file format.

Also, going forward with updates, its the same process from going to version to version. I'd recommend deleting the old RPA whenever getting a new RPA,

If you have any questions or such, please feel free to poke me here or on Discord.

Take care and happy Rifting o/

(1 edit)

that actually makes a lot of sense, and now I kinda wish others would utilize this method. I've come across plenty of large file sized games on here, but a lot tend to use an external link to do the download due to itchio limitations, and with the way this is set up it shouldn't cause issues with saves and Corrupted files as much if you just delete the old rpa and replace it with the new one... hadn't thought of that before, so just shared the idea with a friend who wants to try their own thing and has been getting lots of inspiration from lots of different games.

I will probably get back to this later today, but the way I play... I tend to dabble with choice paths and whatnot, but this one seems to really tie in choices down long pathways. So it's now making me curious if anyone has compiled a wiki or anything similar to a guide to detail what choices impact later scenes or stats lol. That's just something I'm curious about because I like to see and witness all the content of games like this :D (and yes a lot of folks would say "just replay it to change your choices" but that becomes tedious and degrades a game imo... so I typically only replay games maybe 2 times before they grow stale... and that's at best.)

Yeah! Thankfully saves are in their own separate location (and you can even transfer saves between PC and Android if you wanted). I hope everything goes well for your friend though o/

So far there hasn't been an official guide or wiki of sorts. The in-game journal kinda acts as the guide, in a way. We have discussed the possibility down the road.

Some choices do change the dialogue and sometimes scenes, but ultimately your choices don't result in a game over or such.


not to worried about a game over or anything, but when trying different dialogs with Rae during the intro sequence, I found one that would increase either intimacy or lewdness depending on the choice, but like... almost directly after that, she drags you to the dream realm and seems to reset those values once she realizes you aren't some big shot magi lol. And some of the other stuff being said changes depending on dialogs, like if you keep telling the truth, she will admit that she was mistaken and you did keep telling her, but if you play along with it the dialog is different in how she says you don't do magi stuff lmao. It's fun lil paths like that that make me curious what choice does what, if that makes sense. And rarely do I see a wiki or guide note those little details down lol. Like putting a lil footnote in a choice section that it will change X event down the line. Corruption Of Champions 2 wiki kinda does that, but the wiki had fallen behind a lot last I played it. So older events would sometimes directly link to a different page depending on what happened.

Sorry, bit long winded, but I always find spaghetti pathing in choices fascinating to see what does what and how it changes stuff.