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(1 edit)

I'm gonna be honest, this game can be improved quite a bit. You get way too little money for each kill, which means upgrades come very slowly, and repairing your ship can easily take out most of what you get each level. This can be especially annoying since often the bullet patterns put you into a situation where you simply have to get hit. The dash isn't very helpful with this, since it just pushes you into a certain direction. It would be much more helpful if the dash was replaced with a teleport, which instantly moved you a short distance ahead of where you're moving. It can also be really hard to actually hit some enemies, as some of them move 1 to 1 with your vertical position, which means that if you try to dodge their bullets they will just instantly follow your movement, dodging any bullets you were sending to them. The lack of sound also kinda sucks, but isn't really too big of a deal. The sprites are pretty good though, and the fact that there is an upgrade system at all is kinda impressive considering the time constraints.

Thank you for your feedback, you are invulnerable while dashing, sorry if I did not make that clear. you get more money per kill as the levels increase as well. With the ships that match your vertical position you can either upgrade maneuverability to out run them, or get closer to them horizontally so your bullets connect. I do agree that a lot could be improved, but as you said it is a jam game.