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Anyone knows how to get the CG on day 16 of Richard's route? I guess it's the one where Spencer and the MC are on a sofa.

(3 edits) (+2)

OMFG! That's why I really love this novel! I have found what you're talking about. It's only not on day 16, but on another day. I didn't even expect that there was such a scene! I don't know if it's ok to talk about it, because I have not seen Dyne mentioned anywhere about these features in his game. So next can contain a spoiler!
So... I find it amazing and mind blowing how the game's story evolves and how the characters' personalities are revealed. I think no one will argue that you can fully get to know the characters only by completing all the routes, because the same characters appear in the routes of other characters and we can learn something new about them. Is it possible to do narrative even better? I thought no, but Dyne fucking managed to do it! In fact, he did not make 7 routes, he did much more. Yes, there is almost no such thing in the old routes, but in the routes of Dwayne and especially Richard, these features are simply enormous! What features am I talking about? When you complete the route of one character, the events in the other routes may change! This is essentially ng+! So, what you are looking for is on the 18th day of Richard's route and is available when you have completed Spencer's route with the best ending and made the right choices in Richard's route previous days.

(1 edit)

wow, that's awesome

I lost my previous saves when I reseted my pc recently and the game doesn't know I did his route

Also, the vn Shelter also has features where some information is carried over when you play different routes