You got point there rusel probably the killer I mean she literally disappeared.. I mean it does connect all em dots these innocents who brutally got killed are college students... (Including the bird , principle whatever her name is)
But... During my research.. (Idk why this and violet memoir got me thinking about these stuff... Murder mystery always been my interest)... I think either Chris the Aussie or rusel the lion these two probably the killer because all these innocent fools who got fucked (sorry...) Are college student (maybe)... So it's kind a... Either Chris nor rusell... And there's no way Ben was the one who killed them.. He hardly know them... Same thing goes to Chris and rusel but... They are mentor.. They have... Idk information about each student...
(Sorry if there's was any grammar mistake it's night I can't think of any proper words..)
I really hope that the killer didn't do it... You know... Kill one of side character... ESPECIALLY KANE... I SWEAR IF HE DIES I WILL CRY AND THE CREATOR NEED TO PAY MY THERAPY BILLS...
(Most of them the side character either died or disappeared)