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i'm in the process of making a video review of this game but i might aswell post something about it here.

buckshot roulette is an expertly crafted game of luck with great elements of skill and strategy involved.

at first i wasn't very interested in this game due to most thumbnails i had seen mostly just being the scary dealer guy with the shotgun, i expected nothing much but after learning the premise of the game, i was interested.

after buying it i am happy to say that this is one of my absolute new favorite games! i was genuinally shocked at the quality of it and have been casually replaying it since!

the game is simple, you walk into a room with a shotgun and a scary man, sign the waiver and get ready to play some american roulette.

the game shuffles around blank and live shells into a shotgun and you must take turns with the dealer, choosing if you want to either shoot him or yourself.

shortly into it, items are introduced which is where most of the strategy comes in, items such as the magnifying glass and knife are simple but incredibly effective tools that when used well can secure you a win for that round rather efforlessly, while others such as the beer and cigaretts allow for setup play and longer survivability.

the dealer's ai is surprisingly incredibly fair (if not a bit stupid at times), it will make moves that you the player are completly capable of, even shooting himself sometimes if he isn't sure it's a blank or not, as the gamepage says "a ruthless yet fair a, that makes descisions based on what's on the table, rather than under it"

ofcourse i have to mention the incredible double or nothing system in this game, by taking the pills at the start you can enter into a life or death mode of sorts where all death is permanent, after beating the mode you are given the opportunity to double your cash prize but be forced to play the game again, risking losing it all or you can play it safe and take the money as is. this system is absolutly genius and encourages high score play, i really hope someday the dev adds propper leaderboards cause that would be great (idk maybe in an eventual steam release).

honestly my only real problem with the game is the dealer's design, idk why but it really feels like it's trying to be the next huggy wuggy in a way (i know that wasn't the intention but cmon), it is probably the worst part of the game which isn't saying much as i still really like his design.

overall, buckshot is yet another example of recent horror games actually picking up their game and genuinally becoming something great (although i would argue this is more of a game of luck than a game of terror)

i fully recommend you give this game a shot if you have the money! i hope someday it get's officially ported to steam so it's more accessible to people but i still recommend you buy it on here. hell go give the creator a tip too, i would honestly spend 5 dollars on this game gladly.

hope you enjoyed this "breif" review of the game, i honestly adored it so much, have a nice day :D