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Thank you for the reply

It opens and i see everything, but i can't interact with the window in any way, clicking and keyboard does nothing.
The system works fine, it's only that window.

Hi InsomniaLibro, I think I'm close to find the root cause of this issue, can you please let me know what OSX are you using?

Hi, sure!

I'm using MacOS Sonoma 14.2.1

Thank you! yes, I found the problem. OSX Sonoma introduced a bug from version 14.2 and no fix has been issued since then neither from Apple nor Unity, so lots of Unity-based Games and Apps were affected. I'll be following this matter and see if there's a workaround and will also add a temporary note on the main page about OSX Compatibility. I'll let you know once this has been fixed :3.


Hi InsomniaLibro! 

just to let you know that Sonoma's bug affecting Unity Apps has been fixed in OSX update 14.4.1