I really love the setting. Even though the prompts seem kind of random and unrelated, you somehow put them together and the result is really unique and comes together nicely. The whole environment in combination with the well designed UI makes for a great looking game.
As someone who never really played rythm games, I found the difficulty challenging but rewarding. I had quite a hard time with level 3, but it was not frustrating, it made me want to try again, and after a couple tries, I succeeded and it felt great. The hard mode quickly got too difficult for me personally but as I mentioned i don't have any experience in this Genre. Great Job!
There are a few bugs going on as mentioned by Esyverse; Alt-Tabbing makes multiple levels load at once, and I had a similar effect when trying to adjust the volume with the Fn + F6 key on my laptop, but reloading the page fixes it quickly :)
Great Submission!